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Important Dates 2024/2025

Sunday September 8th - First day of classes!


September tuition due: September 1st
October tuition due: October 1st
Dress Up Week: October 25th - 31st

$65 Costume Deposits due and November tuition due: November 1st

Crazy Hair Week: November 15th - 21st

Thanksgiving Break:  November 27th & 28th
December Tuition due: December 1st

Costume Showings/Parent Open House: December 1st - 7th 

Spirit Week (follow the chart posted at the studio):  December 15th - 21st

Winter Break:  December 22nd - January 3rd 
January tuition due: January 1st

Classes Resume & Costume Balances Due:  January 4th

Crazy Sock Week: January 13th - 19th 
February tuition due: February 1st

Pajama Week: February 10th - 16th
March tuition due: March 1st

Parent Open House/Appreciation Week: March 3rd - 9th 

Green Week: March 17th - 23rd 
April tuition due: April 1st

Spring Break:  April 18th - 22nd 
May tuition due: May 1st

In Class Dress Rehearsal:  May 3rd - 9th

Picture Week:  May 10th - May 16th

Spirit Week: May 17th - May 23rd

Last day of Classes: Friday May 23rd

Stage Rehearsal at Symphony Hall: May 27th - 30th 

Recital at Symphony Hall: Saturday May 31st & Sunday June 1st 

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